This book is truly amazing! It’s as if it puts on glasses that both zoom in and zoom out on the world at the same time! If you ever find yourself growing bored of the world around you, this book is definitely a must-read.
What a great book on evangelism. Practical, to the point, key on focus. Would highly recommend. Bought 2 additional copies to give away to a couple of brothers.
Absolutely loved this book! I wish I had ordered more, I’d gift them to all my Christian, female friends! Would recommend to anyone honestly, SUCH a good read! I love how Tilly reminds us of so many ways we’re subtly lured towards sin (and how we so often justify it to ourselves), but she also highlights the strong, glorious potential God put in us. You won’t get stuck feeling hopeless or irredeemable, as you’ll be reminded that God made us women with a wonderful purpose, and He’s there every step of the way, sanctifying us and using us for His great plan, despite the best efforts of the enemy!
Production quality is great, well thought out, and my kids love them! 6/5 stars!
My wife loves it, and has shared snippets from it with me that she has especially enjoyed.
This is absolutely a boy book! I bought it for my little cousin and he loved it—his twin sister was mesmerized too. A hilarious book—to quote my husband “this is a book for boys and their fathers, not girls and their mothers.”😂
Enjoyed how the boys and girls are distinguished in this book according to design. Would recommend.